Zone25-ITU45 Locator PM74tu
This is a layout in which rail pattern B is added to TOMIX's Plan DX-PC (rail pattern A+B+C). Vehicle position detection sensors (PPR-220) that control TOMIX electric points (N-PL541-15-SY and N-PR541-15-SY) are installed as like S-1 to S-6.
I laid out the N gauge together in a narrow shack. Below the FT-991 is the N gauge controller.
1.Raspberry Pi ZeroW、Raspberry Pi3、Raspberry Pi4
RaspberryPiの電子工作は未経験なのでインターネットの情報からFREENOVEの「スターターキット」FNK0019を購入した。 https://freenove.com/fnk0019/から学習資料(チュートリアル)をダウンロードして、はじめてブレッドボードなるものにLEDを取り付けて、PythonのプログラムでLEDの点滅を体験した。 その後、紆余屈曲はあったがモータードライバーTA8428でDCモーターの正転、逆転、速度制御をするPythonプログラムに辿り着いた。 そして、TA8420でTOMIXの電動ポイントの駆動にも成功して、さらに車両位置検出用反射型ホトセンサーPPR-220の使い方も解った
1.Raspberry Pi ZeroW, Raspberry Pi3 and Raspberry Pi4
2. Motor driver TA8428 (You can find various reference materials such as data sheets on the Internet.)
3. Reflective photosensor PPR-220 (You can find various reference materials such as data sheets on the Internet.)
4. FREENOVE "Starter Kit" FNK0019 (You can download the tutorial PDF from https://freenove.com/tutorial.html.)
5. TOMIX My Plan X-PC (See the TOMIX homepage.)
6.TOMOX rail pattern B (Refer to the TOMIX homepage.)
Since I have no experience with RaspberryPi electronic work, I purchased FREENOVE's "starter kit" FNK0019 from information on the Internet. I downloaded the tutorial PDF from https://freenove.com/fnk0019/, attached an LED to a breadboard for the first time, and experienced the blinking of the LED with a Python program. After that, although there were twists and turns, I arrived at a Python program that controls the forward rotation, reverse rotation, and speed of the DC motor with the motor driver TA8428. I also succeeded in driving TOMIX's electric points with the TA8420, and also learned how to use the PPR-220 reflective photo sensor for vehicle position detection.