
このページは趣味のアマチュア無線から得た知識を纏めたものです。 This page summarizes the knowledge gained from my hobby of amateur radio. 


Zone25-ITU45 Locator PM74tu

故郷・佐柳島 Home Town

Where SANAGI-SHIMA island is located?


I was born in 1942 on Sanagi Island, a small island in the Seto Inland Sea. "佐柳島" is displayed on the map of my island. You can reach your country by continuously expanding the map area with the "-" button at the bottom right. Click the "拡大地図を表示" on the upper left of the map to enlarge.The island is very good for operating a ham radio as well.

Island and a seascape. Click each image to enlarge.
