
このページは趣味のアマチュア無線から得た知識を纏めたものです。/ This page summarizes the knowledge gained from my hobby of amateur radio. 


Zone25-ITU45 Locator PM74tu


運用体系図 / Systematic chart of Peanut

Peanutは非常に多機能なアマチュア無線局向けのインターネット通信ソフトだと思います。音声による通話はもちろんアナログSSTVやデジタルSSTVの信号、JTDXやWSJTXのFT8,MSK144,Q65モード等 の微弱信号の文字通信やmsfk,bpsk,rtty等の文字通信が出来ます。WindowsパソコンとAndroidスマホのソフトがあります。 iPad, iPhone, iPods やLinux用のソフトもあるようです。文字通信では画像交換用の定型文を使って画像を交換するQSOができます

I think Peanut is Internet communication software for amateur radio stations with a lot of functions. In addition to QSO by voice, it is possible to communicate by analog SSTV and digital SSTV, character communication of weak signals such as FT8, MSK144, and Q65 mode of JTDX and WSJTX, and character communication such as msfk, bpsk, rtty. We have software for Windows computers and Android smartphones. There seems to be software for iPad, iPhone, iPods and Linux as well.In text communication, you can QSO to exchange an images using template for image exchange.

Windows PC用Peanut



The figure above is a screenshot of the operation screen of Peanut for PC. Peanut currently has 212 rooms. I think this room is about the same as to a channel on the radio.